A journey of deep introspection and self study using Progressive Ashtanga Vinyasa (the Rocket) & shadow inner work (the Patterns).

Certified by TYP & Yoga Alliance as part of our RYT 300 & 500-hour Program

A course that connects an intuitive & expressive dynamic Vinyasa practice with progressive Transpersonal Inner-work centred around our Mother & Father conditioning.



  • 01
    Day 1
    Show Content
    • Rocket & Patterns Course Manual
    • Assignments' Instructions
    • Meditation
    • Course Opening & Introduction
    • Practice
    • Negative Love Map
    • Cycle of Transformation
    • Larry Intro
    • Key Pattern Exercise
    • Patterns
    • Practice
    • Assignment for Day 1: Introduction to Pattern Work
  • 02
    Day 2
    Show Content
    • Meditation
    • Practice
    • Cycle of Transformation
    • Energetic Work
    • Working the Pattern
    • Negative Love Map / Mother
    • Negative Love Map / Father
    • Sequencing
    • Practice
    • Dynamic Meditation
    • Inner Critic
    • Elektra & Edipo Complex
    • Assignment for Day 2: Working a Pattern
  • 03
    Day 3
    Show Content
    • Practice
    • Transference
    • Transference Process
    • Vicious Cycle
    • Negative Internal Parents
    • Sequencing with Dulce
    • Practice with Sam
    • Dynamic Meditation
    • Q&A
    • Assignment for Day 3
  • 04
    Day 4
    Show Content
    • Meditation
    • Practice
    • Vicious Cycles
    • Vindictiveness
    • Negative Love Map
    • Vrittis & Vasanas
    • Sequencing
    • Practice with Sam
    • Dynamic Meditation
    • Q&A
    • Awareness
    • Assignment for Day 4
  • 05
    Day 5
    Show Content
    • Meditation
    • Practice
    • Appreciation & Gratitude
    • Left Road & Right Road
    • Q&A
    • Tie Cutting Process
    • Feeling Literacy, Precycling and Recycling
    • Larry & The Rocket
    • Assignment for Day 5
    • Closing
    • Certification

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